Solus Professional 101 Heart Rate Pedometer Watch

View the new Solus Professional 101 Heart Rate Pedometer Watch. Beautiful design, one-touch heart rate reading and pedometer step counting without the need to wear chest strap and foot pod! Motivate your runs and take a new route every time you go for a jog

Now available at NUS Coop Central Library for S$169 only. Special discount applicable for NUS students and staffs.

Solus S01-101-01

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About Spring deCorps

Our Mission is to improve your quality of life. We aim to touch people lives with our quality health, fitness and lifestyle products. Every day, there are opportunities to improve our fitness and overall wellness. That's why Our Vision is to promote healthy living and exercising to all age group by maintaining a 'keep fit' lifestyle and have regular exercise regime even as simple as taking a 30 minutes walk at the park. We want to bring to you high quality products with unsurpassed accuracy but also fit into your daily lifestyle for you to enjoy sports and have fun with your family and friends.
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1 Response to Solus Professional 101 Heart Rate Pedometer Watch

  1. I like the look of the Solus. I have never tried it, I sometimes use a Polar. Thanks for the post.

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